Cable Lashing Services
Lashing Lengthens Lifespan
Lashing is the process of taking any outdoor cable, usually a tray or
instrumentation cable, and attaching it to a messenger wire so that it
may be used in aerial applications. The messenger wire is what
withstands all of the tension when a cable is used in an aerial
application, so that the instrumentation or tray cable does not sag over
time. At OmniCable, we typically use a 3/8″ or a 1/4″ messenger and
lash it to various outdoor rated cables.
There are several things to keep in mind when utilizing our lashing services. You should not cut or loosen the clamps at the end of any lashed cable. This will cause the lashing wire to loosen and create a sag in your aerial cable. You must use the proper clamps and fasteners for the messenger size utilized. The proper clamps will ensure that the weight of the cable is supported by the messenger cable, not the power and control cable. You must also make sure that your cable is outdoor rated.